
Thank you for visiting! I am in the process of creating some fun items for my friends. I thought I was ready to put one on here but I need to check a couple things before I do so. Please be patient, they are coming. I love to create things but get most of my ideas from my creative friends and some very creative moms out there...like Rita at CoffeeShop. There are others that I visit frequently for help and inspiration. I am completely self-taught and have so much to learn but I will have fun while I am doing it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sofia's 1st Birthday

So our youngest member of the family turned 1 a couple of weeks ago. It's hard to believe that a year has already flown by. Her personality is shinning strong and she is a strong little girl. If she wants something she is going to make it known and isn't going to give up until she is satisfied. Everyone in her house was sick the week leading up to her birthday. I was surprised they went forth with the party but it went well. She was a bit overwhelmed but what other little person isn't with that many people crowding their home.

Opening gifts was pretty typical for any 1 year old. She wanted to play with something right then and there. It didn't matter if there were 50 more gifts to open. Now the cake...that was funny. She didn't hesitate and dove right in. She had the best time digging into her personal Red Velvet cake by Red Oven, her dad's special request.

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