
Thank you for visiting! I am in the process of creating some fun items for my friends. I thought I was ready to put one on here but I need to check a couple things before I do so. Please be patient, they are coming. I love to create things but get most of my ideas from my creative friends and some very creative moms out there...like Rita at CoffeeShop. There are others that I visit frequently for help and inspiration. I am completely self-taught and have so much to learn but I will have fun while I am doing it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another Season of Pollen

So we are entering the Spring 2010 season in full force, or at least when it comes to allergies. I will admit that had I taken my Doctors advice I wouldn't be dealing with a runny and stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sneeze attacks and irritated throat. Now I fight it and am taking everything I can so that I can gain control over this mucus madness. Not only is it annoying but we will be leaving for a camping trip in a few days. 

The nice piece of this season is that we are now on Spring Break! Yea....it is official. The past few weeks have been hectic, as life always is. I had a couple of photo projects at work with very little time to complete them. They all got completed and turned out great. I was definitely pleased as well as the big man. 

I started my break a little early yesterday by going with Deja's 5th grade class to the Ft. Worth Museum of History and Science to participate in their CSI exhibit. Talk about super cool! The kids loved it. It was great and quite the experience for them. We spent that afternoon with my niece, Sofia, at the park. Talk about a treat...she is just so cute and has quite the personality. We closed the evening off with the AISD art exhibit where my oldest niece, Alex, had two pieces displayed. Way to go Alex! I think Sofia enjoyed it too. 

So today I rested, partly due to the "may cause drowsiness" side-effect of allergy meds. 

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